Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Insomniac Attack

Sleep has been evading me for the past couple of weeks and as frustrating as that may be at times, i have two animal counterparts that help with the boredom that will inevitably ensue. Splinter is the white rat and Gizmo is the black one being smooshed.

These guys are a hoot and suspiciously very friendly with each other. The other day i caught them both masturbating, side by side, as happy as could be. Oh well, boys will be boys.

These are truly some of the greatest rules every writer should obey. I have so many ideas whirling in my head that keeping up with them would be as difficult as reducing carbon emissions. I've started by jotting down my dreams as soon as i wake up. I will start posting those soon, maybe there will be something worth expanding on. I seem to have a dream or multiple dreams every night... They can be enlightening and intriguing at times yet devastatingly real at others. It's a shame that we haven't even gotten close to understanding our species... The mind is a powerful tool that can often times work on it's own.. I'm not exactly sure what i mean by this but we are constantly processing information and storing it somewhere. This leads back to all the ideas that are harder to catalog than spending a day on wall street.
I want to ride a bicycle cross country. I want to fly and hopefully own a sea plane. I want a Nobel prize. I want to write multiple books. I want to be in a band again and play on stage. I want to write sketches and do stand up comedy. I want a Ph.D. I want to be in love forever. I want to develop new technologies to defeat our dependence on fossil fuels. I want to paint a mural on the biggest wall possible. And the list grows..

I want to be, do and act but i must be a realist and hinder my ambitions. I don't want to set up a world that is too far away to touch. So my question begins, is being too ambitious a terrible thing?


  1. Making a comment on someones blog helps to make it look more legit except for when you write stuff like this even though this is a legit comment.

    So comment on my stuff! Even if you don't say much!

  2. The mind does act on its own, the brain can regulate breathing, heart rate, digestion, sleep even basic behaviors like flight or flight with out you having to stop and do it, but it cant write this blog entry, you aren't your self.

    I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
    -That guy that played those songs-

    Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.
    -Oscar Wilde-

  3. I don't undertsand the "you aren't your self" part.. I understand there is a line between what the mind does on it's own and what we have to do for ourselves.. I guess Mr. Wilde means you can get lost in the ambitions and end up doing nothing.
    And i do click yo shit son.
